Psa examples for students

As students work, challenge them to come up with messages that will resonate as much as the messages in the PSA examples they viewed. In the first step, students conduct research to identify the social, medical, and economic effects of the coronavirus. I explain that the person creating these has a strong opinion about something and they want to persuade you to take an action.

Share these video, audio, and print PSAs with your community, and use our web banners to connect students to our financial aid information and application sites. A PSA is a noncommercial message that aims to change attitudes, promote safety, fight disease, recruit volunteers, publicize an event, or raise funds. Hamilton College students taking the Social History of Advertising course in the Communication Department developed this public service announcement as part.

Will your PSA be on education, poverty, drunk driving, or maybe even Haiti disaster relief? For ideas and examples, check out the Ad Council and the Ad Council Gallery. Sep 12, 2017 I like to show my students examples throughout the year so that when it's time to make their own, they've got a solid idea of what it takes to. Your assignment is to work with a partner or group to create a PSA about an issue that affects students your age or your community or the world. Learning Goals Begin developing your activity by articulating what students should know and be able to do at the end of the project.


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